Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beat The Heat

In Florida the temperatures can hit 100 easily in the summer. It is hard to stay cool when juggling work, home, yard work, sports,etc. The key to staying ahead of the heat game is water. PLENTY of water, young and old alike must stay hydrated. Heat stroke can happen very quickly.

According the here are some heat stroke facts:

·         Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia in which the body temperature is elevated dramatically.
·         Heat stroke is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not promptly and properly treated.
·         Cooling the victim is a critical step in the treatment of heat stroke. Always notify emergency services immediately.
·         The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.
·         Infants, the elderly, athletes, and outdoor workers are the groups at greatest risk for heat stroke.

It is also important to keep your home at a consistent temperature, 78* is usually a good number. For every degree below 78* that your thermostat is on, your cooling bill can go up by as much as 4%. Invest in a programmable thermostat, older manual ones can be off by 5-10*. Make sure you’re a/c filter is changed once a month, more often if you have pets.
Homes at a consistent temperature reduce the risk of mold growth, Let’s face it, we live in Florida, all homes ARE going to have some sort of mold (around a/c vents, in closets, etc). Make sure you keep your entire home at a consistent temperature to reduce exposure and growth.
If you do find yourself with mold growth or water intrusion, make sure you call an IICRC certified firm to take care of this sensitive problem. If in the Central Florida area, KNOW that 3-D Restorations can handle all sorts of mold and water intrusion problems.

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